How long have you lived in Bridgeland-Riverside? What do you like about living here?

My wife (Cheryl), son (Max) and I moved to Bridgeland-Riverside in 2011. We have since had a daughter (Lucy) and I cannot think of a better place to raise a family.

How did you get involved in volunteering in our community?

I joined the community association in the Spring of 2012 when the Treasurer position became vacant and then I moved into the President position in the Spring of 2015 before stepping away in 2018.  I continue to lead the ice rink team that began in 2017 and coach in the BRCA community spring soccer program.

What kind of volunteer activities have you done?

Treasurer from 2012-2015; President from 2015-2018; Ice Rink Lead since 2017; and Soccer Coach since 2012. I also supported and helped out every chance I could with all of the community events the BRCA hosted.

What ideas do you have for volunteering in the future?

I enjoy meeting new people that may have just moved to the community who have new and fresh ideas that the community could enjoy and benefit from.  I encourage everyone to reach out to the BRCA and bring their ideas so as to continue to grow the community.

What would you tell others in the community about volunteering?

Volunteering is what gives a neighbourhood a sense of community. I grew up in a small village in Alberta and everything I enjoyed or relied upon growing up, from sports to the local fire department, was all because of volunteers.  If you want to make a difference, I would encourage you to volunteer.

What do you like most about volunteering for the Bridgeland-Riverside Community Association?

There are two things about volunteering that I enjoy. First, being able to see and being a part of the happiness, excitement and sense of community that comes from the event, program or project that you volunteer for; and second, meeting and getting to know all the great people that live and work in Bridgeland-Riverside.

During the pandemic are you still able to do volunteer activities in a safe manner? 

Weather pending, we are planning to have a community ice rink once again at the BRCA Hall. The great thing about the ice rink is that both building the rink and enjoying it naturally allows for social distancing. Please mark January 1st, 2021, in your calendar for the New Year’s skating party from 1-3 p.m. We are also looking for volunteers to help maintain the rink.

What is a hidden gem in Bridgeland-Riverside that you have discovered and would like to share?

One of the gems of Bridgeland-Riverside would be the view of our community, the city and the mountains from the park atop of Tom Campbell’s Hill.
