How long have you lived in Bridgeland-Riverside? What do you like about living here?
I moved to Bridgeland in the summer of 2014. Bridgeland is one of the friendliest neighborhoods I have ever lived in. It is a great walking community. Easy to walk to downtown, the zoo and St. Patrick’s Island. Lots of history. Great small businesses.
How did you get involved in volunteering in our community?
I got involved by going to an annual general meeting and hearing about all the different committees. I joined the Beautification Committee.
What kind of volunteer activities have you done?
I have helped with the annual cleanup since 2016 and painted benches and tables in the parks. Also, I help pull weeds in the beds around the community centre. I have also helped with the setup of some of the activities in the Piazza.
What ideas do you have for volunteering in the future?
I seem to find things to do in the community to help keep it clean. I see the BRCA has quite a few events planned for the summer.
What do you like most about volunteering for the Bridgeland-Riverside Community Association?
Volunteering is a great way to meet people in the neighborhood. You get to meet some great people and share ideas.
During the pandemic are you still able to do volunteer activities in a safe manner?
Even with the pandemic you could still do some things like walking around and doing some cleanup.
What is a hidden gem in Bridgeland-Riverside that you have discovered and would like to share?
There are so many hidden gems in Bridgeland. One way I found out about these was by going on the Bridgeland Walks that are hosted by Deb, Nony, and Laura. Deb is also a fountain of information on the history of Bridgeland which she is more than willing to share on these walks.