How long have you lived in Bridgeland-Riverside? What do you like about living here?
I have lived here since June 2000. I was attracted to the trees on my street, the proximity to
downtown (I am an urban girl) and that the neighborhood was going through some major
How did you get involved in volunteering in our community?
Originally, I volunteered on the BRCA Board of Directors. I went to one of the AGMs to see
what the association was up to and they were looking for someone to take on the membership
What kind of volunteer activities have you done?
I served on the Board for a while. When I left the Board, I didn’t do much volunteering for a
long while after that. Then, I met Deb Lee and she is a force to be reckoned with. She is a true
community builder. She got me to help out at one of the clean-up days and I had a fabulous time.
Then it was a painting project down at McDougall Park, the odd shift helping out at the Farmers
Market, then painting some of the triangles for the fence at the hall. She took me out for a coffee
and convinced me to help put on the recent screening for the community which was great cause I
got to meet a bunch of my neighbors. During one of our meetings about the screening, Sue
Mulholland was knitting (I am a knitter) and she told me that Janel was yarn bombing the trees in
the 9A park so I reached out to Janel and knitted a scarf for one of the trees.   
What ideas do you have for volunteering in the future?
I have told the community association that we could do another online/in-person screening in the
fall (my festival happens in June so I am busy right now). I also hope that there is an opportunity
to repaint the polka dots on 1 st Ave. I think that would be fun. If someone wanted to start a Stitch
n’ Bitch club (knitting/crochet, etc.), I would be willing to help them out and get together in our
local coffee houses, lounges and restaurants for a drink, meet my neighbors, support local
businesses and meet new people from the hood.
What would you tell others about volunteering?
I have come to value community more so than when I was younger. My husband and I were
looking at moving into co-housing but I just couldn’t bear to leave the neighborhood as I have
started to get to know people. Creating community sounds daunting but it can be as easy as just
saying hello as you walk down the street. You don’t need to become best friends with anyone but
just knowing who your neighbors are and a bit about them makes a passing interaction
meaningful and feels like a little hug. So, the older gentleman that is at Baya Rica quite often is
Peter and he is ready to chat and share his thoughts. Graham on 7A LOVES gardening and is
amazing at it. This is about all I know about them after a couple of interactions but when I run
into them, it feels wonderful to recognize them and do a quick little catch up.

If you see me on the street, please stop me and say hi and that you saw me in the Bridges – let’s
get to know one another.
What do you like most about volunteering for the Bridgeland-Riverside Community Association?
Many people think of volunteering as a one-way interaction – you give and the receiver receives,
but that is not so. When you volunteer, you get something out of it as well and going in, many
times you have no idea of what you will get so it is a surprise. Lots of times, that surprise is
incredibly rewarding.
During the pandemic are you still able to do volunteer activities in a safe manner? 
The people creating volunteer opportunities through the community association are doing a great
job of coming up with opportunities that are safe. I also volunteer for the festival I run and I
work from home so I have plenty of opportunity to volunteer safely. Find something that fits
your interests and you will have an amazing time.
What is a hidden gem in Bridgeland-Riverside that you have discovered and would like to share?
I haven’t found it yet but I noticed that there is a new second-hand shop setting up where Journey
Yoga used to be. I love “hunting” for deals so am looking forward to it opening. And, if you
have never had the quesadilla muffins (not what you think at all) from Baya Rica Cafe, you need
to stop by in the morning when they are fresh – yum!
