How long have you lived in Bridgeland-Riverside? What do you like about living here?
June will be our 15-year anniversary as Bridgelanders. We love that it has all the benefits of
small town living while being in an urban centre.
How did you get involved in volunteering in our community?
I am a strong proponent of “Be the change you want to see in the world” and therefore knew I
wanted to contribute to my new community. It started with just community clean-ups and
evolved from there.
What kind of volunteer activities have you done?
Community clean up, soccer coach, organized pub nights, board member (activity coordinator
and later Vice President), helped organize Bridgeland Ladies nights and started the Bridgeland
What ideas do you have for volunteering in the future? What interests or excites you?
I am currently working with Forward Housing to make “Welcome Home” bundles for the new
residents of Bishop Manor, a new low-income housing building in Bridgeland. My passion is
trying to ensure everyone feels cared for and a part of our amazing community.
Strong community connections improve so many aspects of our lives. It is something everyone
benefits from.
What would you tell others in the community about volunteering?
Volunteering helps me realize everyone can make a difference even when we think it is just “a
little thing”. Also, that commitment doesn’t need to be huge or time consuming – there is a fit for
What do you like most about volunteering for the Bridgeland-Riverside Community Association?
I remember thinking that I knew so many of my neighbours. But after volunteering in
Bridgeland, I feel as though I know almost everyone. I love that!
During the pandemic are you still able to do volunteer activities in a safe manner?
Bridgeland Elves actually had our best year ever this past Christmas. There were aspects of
making hampers we couldn’t do, such as gathering to assemble the hampers, but we adjusted.
There were more email communications to arrange safe drop off of items but it actually wasn’t
very difficult. When you are passionate about something, it isn’t that hard to figure out
What is a hidden gem in Bridgeland-Riverside that you have discovered and would like to share?
Tom Campbell’s Hill dog park. I have met such amazing people walking my dog every morning.
It has been my therapy during stressful Covid times.
